Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I am so EXCITED!!!!


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Oh How I LOVE Jesus!

Revival was amazing! I was revived in one night!
Let me try to paraphrase the AMAZING sermon! But first I have to share with you a moment I had with God!

I was driving home from school one afternoon and I started to think about how when services are running long that preachers say that we are on God's time. And it hit me! We ARE on God's time! I know this is sad and I should have written it down but I cannot not remember exactly what was revealed to me! All I know is that the sermon went exactly along with my thought! So I knew it was from the big G-O-D!

But the part of the service that really got me to praising was the song service....You see let me just tell you. My family has recently come through a very extremely difficult part of our lives. My brother had cancer. He went through treatments and now his tumor (that was 14.7 cm) is now 2.2cm!!!!!!....So during the song service we sang a song called Master of the sea! That was the first time I have EVER been so close to shouting! Oh how wonderful is the love of Jesus Christ! YAY GOD!

The most inspiring part of the sermon was part of the sermon....Another side note..Have y'all ever heard that expression my cup runneth over?!...Well the preacher held up a cup and said what if I started to poor water into this cup and when it is full I don't stop and it just keeps flowing. It flows down the hill and into the houses, Down the other side of the hill and onto the highway, it keeps flowing throughout the community. He then asked Have you ever tried to stop water from flowing once it starts? Well you can't and it's SO true! When we really let loose and get into the spirit and it starts flowing we cannot stop it! Then he said now imagine the water is oil. It is so hard to get oil off! Just like the spirit! Once it floods your soul it is so difficult to get it off!

Thank you Jesus for blessing my soul!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Let's have a Revival from the pulpit to the pews!

Howdy y'all!
(I wore my cowboy boots today. Hence the howdy)

Can I express how excited I am! This week is revival at my little church! I am so excited! I was not able to attend yesterday because I was working. But tonight is the night I get to go! I have to really make it count because it is the ONLY night I can go.

For everyone who wasn't blessed enough to grow up on the Bible belt then let me tell you about revival.

It is a time for celebration of God's love.
Every other word you hear is Amen brother!
A time for some southern gospel.
I'll fly away o glory!
OH how I love Jesus!

This explanation is no where near enough. Let me guide you to one that is. This is my sister's blog! She is infinitely smarter than me therefor she explains it better. Check out how she tells you about God's love and the better definition of revival:

Rooted in Love

My hope is to be renewed in my faith once again! I can't wait!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wedding magazines, Gilmore Girls, and Wedding Bell Blues

Today (ok so technically yesterday) was the Monday of my spring break. It has been filled with nothing but time with my Favorite cousin/best friend, creepy oil changing dudes, Gilmore Girls, and Wedding magazines! What a perfect day :) well except for the creepiness.

Part of my night was going to Publix with my cousin. When we were there I went to the deli and got a DELICIOUS chicken tender sub. My friend, Melissa, works there and she is recently engaged. My cousin Lacy, is also engaged, the girl at the deli that was talking to Melissa was engaged. The other girl working in the Deli got engaged yesterday. Finally the boy working in the Deli is getting engaged tomorrow! All the left hand rings! On all the left hands..

I have looked at a ginormous number of wedding magazines, a pile, a plethora, a cornucopia if you will. All within the last 5 or 6 hours.

Let's just say that now have the Wedding Bell Blues.But I am so thankful for this day!

Now everyone, I realize that I am very young but I still can't wait to call a certain someone my husband. To have my very own left hand ring. To be the one not only dreaming of wedding planning but getting married myself. For the last 2 years I have been wishing and hoping and thinking and praying, planning and dreaming (subtle song reference there) of my wedding. It stems from my sister's recent wedding and the fact that my best friend/cousin got engaged a year ago on Christmas. (Did I mention my cousin and I are the same age...just a few days apart?! I don't guess that's too relevant)

Who is my certain someone? The man in the suit at the end of the aisle? Well let me tell you about who I hope it will be...His name is William. He is Christian, handsome, kind, respectful, piano playing, awesome guy...Did I mention he is hot?! Because he is! Tall, dark hair, green eyes... Oh the butterflies :)

That's him by the way...Hot right?!

I would love to know how to describe exactly how I feel but I have no words... Good thing someone else did... Hehe..

The best way I can describe it is the lyrics of one of my favorite songs ever! It's name is Wedding Bell Blues..It goes a little something like this:

Bill, I love you so, I always will
I look at you and see the passion eyes of May
Oh, but am I ever gonna see my wedding day?

Come on and marry me Bill!
I got the wedding bell blues
Please marry me Bill!

If you want a song to groove to then please look up this song It's by The 5th Dimensions. It's the best!

I don't want all of you to think I am not having a blast dating because I am!!! It was just the day today made me excited, or maybe antsy would be a better term! I am extremely happy where I am, I cherish these times. It was just the magazines and the rings....They would get any girl feeling this way. Right ladies??! Right. It was just the left hand rings..They'll make you crazy.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What a Wonderful World!

It's Story time y'all!

Today was a scary day because I had a test in Chemistry 2. Although I felt good about Chemistry 2 in the beginning..That didn't last too long! BUT something WONDERFUL happened during this test today. I was stressed, I was freaking, I was a basket case! But then I had a realization. I placed my pencil on the desk next to the MAMMOTH test paper. Closed my eyes and prayed!

OH how WONDERFUL, MARVELOUS, JOYOUS it is to be one of his peculiar people! Part of his Royal priesthood!

Because after I said my last Amen and raised my head there was peace. Where there was stress there is now relief. Now the test paper wasn't so threatening, my blood pressure went waaaayyyyy down and I was simply not stressed anymore.

Now don't get your hopes up people...It's not like I was miraculously bestowed the correct answers! They were not flowing through my pencil onto the test paper. No, I did not ace the test.

But I got something MUCH more valuable than a stinkin' 'A' on a test! I got to have a genuine moment with Jesus...Right there at my tiny tiny desk in the itty bitty room. I had a moment. One that I am sure no one around me knew about.

Want to know how I knew they didn't know?!

Because when I looked up and saw all their strained / stressed faces. I knew this Enormous moment in my life had not been shared by anyone around me. It was a moment between me and God!

Oh how Wonderful!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Money must be the Root of all Evil

My last post was a nervous yet hopeful one about completing my Dental Hygiene application...Something that now seems fruitless and sad. I was notified by the dental hygiene department Friday that they will not be reviewing any applications at this time. Ir was a very nice thing of the department to do. Notify all the hopefuls immediately and personally. But what is the reason for this development you may ask...


For anyone who hasn't heard The Georgia University System is now being forced to do some MASSIVE cuts to each of the college's budgets! This will effect my college by cutting 1/4 of the budget! WHAT?! That's insane! For other colleges such as UGA they will be forced to get rid of over 1,400 employees! Just think of all the lively-hoods (spell check please) of all those people! Think of the economy! With less jobs there is less income. With less income there is less revenue! That will just make it worse! This is the overall picture!

Each college has been told to make a plan of action. A "cut list". Something they can get rid of.

How does it affect me as a student personally?! My college has decided to cut the Dental Hygiene program completely! My program, my dream career! Meaning they will not review any applications for this year in order to Phase out the program. That is, if the proposal goes through.

Never mind that this program is the reason I chose this college! Or that even now, when going to google and typing in, "Dental Hygiene schools of Georgia" my college is one of the first to pop up! They still Slashed it COMPLETELY!

It's been difficult at school since the news came out. Everyone is worried about how their program is being limited! For instance, The nursing program is being cut by 30 students! 30 Students out of 100! But they COMPLETELY cut Dental Hygiene! Maybe I am biased...Ok I am definitely biased! Even considering this I still feel this development is unfair. So with a little push from my history professor (extra credit works wonders) I have now emailed a few Senators and a House Representative. The email stated :

Hello Senator Harp,
I have been interested in becoming a dental hygienist since I was in 5th grade. With the proposed budget cuts to the Georgia University System I am now unable to do this at the college of my choice. The particular program has been cut. At least that is what is being proposed. This is how the proposed budget cuts will affect me personally.
Although this is horrible, I know it is not the worst that will come from the Budget cuts. Job loss alone will force our economy further into the recession. When people do not have jobs they do not have income. Without income, there can be no capital for businesses.
Also if we believe that the future of Georgia looks bleak now. Wait until the budget cuts cause college attendance to dwindle. Our education system produces the future of Georgia. I would think it is in the best interest of all Georgians to invest as much as possible into the education system. I am under the impression that even the smallest of tax increases can solve this issue.
I urge you to please make an effort to find a better solution. One that will not destroy the higher education of all Georgia college students.

This is the last step that I can do toward this. My awesome sister gave me some words of encouragement and I realize that I have done all that I can do! It is in God's hands! What happens it what is supposed to happen!