Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Picture is worth a Thousand words.

Why is it that when people look at pictures they automatically look at the faults? For instance:

My legs look deformed.
Oh my! Do I really look THAT chubby?!
How did my teeth get that yellow?

Why do we have that immediate response? Is our self image really that horrible?
I guess what I am truly asking...Is my self confidence really that low?!

This are my new revelations:

1. I need to look at the good things in life more often.
2. I need to remember that God formed me in his image every moment of everyday (yes that includes everytime I look at a new picture of myself)
3. Meaning that Every single time I look at a picture or in the mirror and say I just hate my nose, or Oh my look at that belly!, or even (and this is the worst) I wish I looked more like her!....Every time I put myself down, I am also saying that God made a mistake.
4. ( a little story behind this one) A woman at the store came in and said...I want a dress with sleeves...I hate my arms..They wobble! Let me just tell you...They didn't. But she wouldn't have it that I was telling her that. And big surprise here..She fell in love with a strapless dress. I told her she looked wonderful! (bc she honestly did) and she just kept saying oh my wobbly arms...I finally said it's all in how you carry yourself... JUST work it!
So number 4 revelation....Just WORK IT!!!