Monday, October 20, 2014

I'm Happy for you, But I'm sad for me.

Dear Friend/ Acquaintance/Random person on Youtube,
You just announced you are pregnant. The joy on your face says it all. Your family and friends are all excitedly commenting on your post their congratulations! I "like" the post hoping that is enough. Because I'm happy for you but sad for me.
I've not seen you for many years. But I feel as if I still kind of know whats going on in your life due to your Facebook/blogger/twitter/general social media websites. I noticed when you started dating that pretty good looking fella (around the time I started dating my pretty handsome man). I liked many of your wedding photos you posted after your nuptials last year. Now here it is. Your precious blessing is being announced to the world. I really mean it when I say I am happy for you! I am so excited you will get to experience the joy of having a tiny human barge into your life. Again I'm happy for you but sad for me.
I feel as if our journey has almost coincided. Until this point. Then I realize... we have been trying longer than you have been married. I can't stress this enough..I am happy for you but sad for me.
As I scroll passed your new, completely adorable, baby announcement I see a video that I am urged to see by the general Facebook community. It says you must see this! How cute is this baby announcement! So of course I click! As I watch it I start tearing up. How exciting and precious this moment is for this couple! The link said they tried for over a year! We are in the same boat as they were! I will get my moment! So I start crying as the new father begins to cry. Because he is so happy! And I am so guessed it.. Happy for them, sad for us.

Your acquaintance/random social media stalker

I'm hoping that letter didn't seem bitter, I promise I'm not bitter! Because I am truly happy for those who are nurturing their little blessings! As their journey into parenthood begins, Our journey into fertility testing continues.
I have great news! I'm about to over share (I feel like this whole blog is now an over share)...
Dun Duh DUNNNN... I OVULATED! (insert applause here!)
Last Wednesday I got a flashing smiley face on my ovulation tester. SO hooray!! That means it was my peak day of ovulation! I immediately called my OB and set up a blood work appointment. I go in tomorrow to have blood drawn to check my level of progesterone. William goes to a specialist day after tomorrow to start his testing. It's our first big expense. But at this point an answer will be worth every penny!

Lastly, please let me express how amazing all of you are. The outpouring of love we have received since my last blog post has been overwhelming. I'm not much of a sharer (that cannot be a real word) in real life. I'm a plaster a smile on your face and go on about your business type so it was very hard for me to post anything. Even more difficult to make it public. Everyone was so sweet to us. My bosses, my co-workers, my friends, my family. Each kind word and hug has been more help than you can imagine. I know through most of them I have been so awkward but like I said I'm not a sharer. I hope you understand why I awkwardly changed the subject after about 2 seconds! Seriously though, Thank you, thank you, thank you! From the bottom of my heart!

So Part 3, Step 1, Section A: ovulation testing completed and subsequent blood work begins tomorrow, I will update you as the results come in (if there is anyone actually reading this).

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