Sunday, March 28, 2010

Oh How I LOVE Jesus!

Revival was amazing! I was revived in one night!
Let me try to paraphrase the AMAZING sermon! But first I have to share with you a moment I had with God!

I was driving home from school one afternoon and I started to think about how when services are running long that preachers say that we are on God's time. And it hit me! We ARE on God's time! I know this is sad and I should have written it down but I cannot not remember exactly what was revealed to me! All I know is that the sermon went exactly along with my thought! So I knew it was from the big G-O-D!

But the part of the service that really got me to praising was the song service....You see let me just tell you. My family has recently come through a very extremely difficult part of our lives. My brother had cancer. He went through treatments and now his tumor (that was 14.7 cm) is now 2.2cm!!!!!!....So during the song service we sang a song called Master of the sea! That was the first time I have EVER been so close to shouting! Oh how wonderful is the love of Jesus Christ! YAY GOD!

The most inspiring part of the sermon was part of the sermon....Another side note..Have y'all ever heard that expression my cup runneth over?!...Well the preacher held up a cup and said what if I started to poor water into this cup and when it is full I don't stop and it just keeps flowing. It flows down the hill and into the houses, Down the other side of the hill and onto the highway, it keeps flowing throughout the community. He then asked Have you ever tried to stop water from flowing once it starts? Well you can't and it's SO true! When we really let loose and get into the spirit and it starts flowing we cannot stop it! Then he said now imagine the water is oil. It is so hard to get oil off! Just like the spirit! Once it floods your soul it is so difficult to get it off!

Thank you Jesus for blessing my soul!

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